Our Approach

We focus on addressing the key challenges to supply chain sustainability...

  • Better Decisions: We turn Sustainability Data into Management Information to answer key business questions to drive better risk management and decision-making.

  • Better Action: We turn Management Information into Practical Action by using insights to design realistic interventions for each site and sourcing location

  • Better Results: We turn Practical Action into Business Value by measuring and reporting on what matters to stakeholders

  • Better Planet: We protect Business value with sustainability data by ensuring sustainability claims are based on credible evidence of positive impact on people and planet

  • Complex supply chains operating in multiple locations and limited visibility of risks beyond first tier suppliers

  • Limited collaboration across the organization or with suppliers

  • Lack of engagement with local stakeholders

  • Lack of sustainability skills across the company and lack of supplier capacity to implement sustainable practices.

  • Misalignment of KPIs and incentives with corporate sustainability objectives.

  • Lack of resources for sustainability initiatives and focus on short term costs over long term value.

  • Understand the CONTEXTS where sustainability risks and impacts occur and digging into the data to target solutions

  • Deepen COLLABORATION across functions and with suppliers to implement actions and measure results.

  • Foster CO-CREATION of solutions with staff, suppliers and stakeholders to support implementation and build buy-in;

  • Build CAPACITY of internal functions and suppliers to implement sustainable practices;

  • Link COST to Value by connecting sustainability budgets to short, medium and long term value for the business;

  • Reward COMMITTMENT of staff and suppliers by building sustainability into KPIs, performance incentives and contracts;

  • Verify the CREDIBILITY of data, reporting and claims with effective controls and assurance

We use sustainability data to unlock action and business value

We focus on sustainable supply chains to create competitive advantage

Sustainability Data

Management Information

Practical Action

Business Value

Companies with more sustainable supply chains benefit from long term efficiency, supply security, higher returns, better risk management, more robust strategy, greater consumer trust and higher brand value.

Understand Context

Deepen Collaboration

Foster Co-Creation

Build Capacity

Link Cost to Value

Reward Commitment

Verify Credibility

... by using sustainability data to unlock action across the supply chain