Our Services

people sitting on chair inside room
people sitting on chair inside room

Supply Chain Due Diligence

Implementing effective Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (HREDD) systems means companies must take action to mitigate risks and remediate harm.

We work with your teams and suppliers to:

  • Design and Implement HREDD systems for companies and suppliers
  • Set up effective remediation systems and grievance mechanisms

  • Train suppliers to understand and implement HREDD processes

  • Define HREDD KPIs and incentives to include in staff performance metrics and supplier contracts

We worked with the supply chain teams to understand their sourcing footprints and have a two-way exchange. We explained the importance of knowing where we produce and how our programs helped manage risk through audits and add to positive impacts in our supply chain communities through programs to support workers and increase environmental efficiency…. We reflected together on audit data to ensure we all understood what needed to happen to improve and could speak to our suppliers with one voice,

Marissa (Pagnani) McGowan, Chief Sustainability Officer, PVH Corp.1

Good practice

Strategy Implementation and Action

Understanding the context where sustainability issues arise, and the business value of addressing them, is key to developing effective strategies and implementing impactful action.

We work with your teams and suppliers to:

  • Interpret data to understand sustainability issues in different sourcing locations
  • Map suppliers and stakeholders and engage them in designing realistic actions for the places they work
  • Support staff and suppliers implement tailored action where risks and impacts occur
  • Develop clear costs of interventions linked to short and long term value for the business;

  • Create partnerships with local stakeholders and funders for long term impact

We’ve realized that there’s a disconnect between our collective global net zero ambitions and how things happen on the ground…. We need to better understand the predicted impact of climate change in the places where we source ingredients, adopt appropriate strategies.., implement concrete actions for both climate change mitigation and adaption and protect biodiversity. This is no small task"'

David Shaw, ESG Director, International Zone at Kraft-Heinz

Good practice

a group of people holding hands on top of a tree
a group of people holding hands on top of a tree

Supplier and Stakeholder Engagement

Effective implementation across supply chains needs deep collaboration with suppliers and stakeholders to foster c0-creation of solutions and build capacity for implementation,

We work with your teams and suppliers to:

  • Develop platforms and programs for ongoing supplier and stakeholder engagement
  • Facilitate collaborative design workshops to build on the knowledge of business units and suppliers to develop feasible action
  • Identify and engage local service providers, government agencies, funders, NGOs and local communities to support implementation and impact.

We started having more strategic conversations with our suppliers around how do we rethink the future. How do we co-innovate to tackle shared challenges? .... We launched Eclipse, a platform for suppliers and partners to collaborate and make progress on shared sustainability goals

Recent supplier collaborations have led to the launch of low-carbon cans, the introduction of alternative fuel delivery trucks, and eco-friendly coolers…”.

Ezgi Barcenas, Chief Sustainability Officer, Anheuser-Busch InBev1

Good practice

Cross-functional Collaboration

Making sustainability relevant to all functions and ensuring staff see how sustainable practices help solve core business risks and meet business objectives is critical for effective action for sustainable supply chains

We work with your teams and suppliers to:

  • Create and facilitate cross-functional teams to address sustainability issues
  • Integrate sustainability data insights into business strategies and departmental plans

  • Build capacity of teams to implement sustainable practices

  • Define sustainability KPIs and targets for teams and executive and staff performance and incentives

We began to treat the sustainability metrics with the rigor that we treat business metrics…. That shift enabled us to engage with our employees to talk about how they can use their day job to make a difference in the things they care about. For example, having treasury people in an energy conversation allowed us access to more sophisticated finance and analytical tools, a new way of thinking of things, and new outcomes for the business. That has been a big key to our success.

Kevin Hagen, Vice President, Environment, Social & Governance Strategy, Iron Mountain1

Good practice

person holding white and brown coffee cup
person holding white and brown coffee cup

Credible Claims

To respond to increasing scrutiny and greenwashing risks, companies need to be able to verify the credibility of their sustainability claims and be ready for external assurance on their data and reporting.

We work with your teams and suppliers to:

  • Assess the data and evidence for sustainability claims to ensure their credibility

  • Assess and select third party certification and verification systems to support credible claims

  • Support the use of certification and audit data to target action and investment

  • Be ready for external audit and assurance of sustainability data, reporting and claims

Good practice

Our water commitment is that, by 2025, 100 percent of our communities in high-stress areas will have measurably improved water availability and quality. The key part of this commitment is the “measurable improvement” piece…. we looked at the watersheds that we’ve invested in over the years. We then asked ourselves and our NGO partners on the ground, “Can we say the health of this watershed is better off now?” The science wasn’t quite there. We have to go deep into the local context-based metrics and understand the local indicators of improvement.

Ezgi Barcenas, Chief Sustainability Officer, Anheuser-Busch InBev1