person holding white and brown coffee cup

Turning Sustainability Data

into Action, Impact and Brand Value

Sustainability data is a starting point not a destination

Why We're Here

Companies are gearing up to comply with mandatory sustainability reporting requirements, focusing time and resources on data collection and compliance with little left to support real action.

We turn sustainability data into action, impact and brand value

Data helps companies meet rising pressure to show action

New supply chain due diligence regulations require companies to take action on sustainability issues.

Investors are demanding companies show they are addressing sustainability risks.

Regulators and consumers are demanding evidence to back up sustainability claims.

Employees want to work for companies with a positive impact on people and planet

  • Interpret sustainability risk and performance data to build supply chain due diligence systems required by the EUDDD, EUDR, and other supply chain laws

  • Implement targeted mitigation and remediation actions adapted to specific sites and sourcing origins

  • Engage and support suppliers to reduce risks, address grievances and build supply chain resilience

Effective Supply Chain Due Diligence

Mitigate Risks
Build Business Resilience

Successful strategy implementation

  • Make sustainability part of everyone's job

  • Use materiality assessment to involve all functions and suppliers to identify the risks, impacts and opportunities that affect them

  • Analyse supply chain data to design realistic actions for each department, site and sourcing origin

  • Support staff and suppliers use sustainability data to solve business problems, increase efficiency and improve performance

  • Engage suppliers as strategic partners to share knowledge, implement action and measure results

  • Integrate relevant sustainability KPIs into everybody's job description

Make Credible Claims

Increased Brand Value

  • Ensure that sustainability claims are backed up with evidence

  • Tell a compelling sustainability story based on action and impact

  • Get prepared for third party assurance on sustainability data and claims

Supply Chain Due Diligence

Our Services

a group of people holding hands on top of a tree
a group of people holding hands on top of a tree
person holding white and brown coffee cupperson holding white and brown coffee cup
people sitting on chair inside roompeople sitting on chair inside room

Strategy Implementation and Action

Cross functional Collaboration

Supplier and Stakeholder Engagement

Credible Claims